Torsional vibrations (TVs) can significantly affect the performance and reliability of mechanical applications and a key understanding of them has enabled CWE to establish a strong reputation in this critical area. CWE have been able to accurately measure, analyse, identify and model the TV characteristics present in systems for and on behalf of clients over a number of decades before going on to provide a range of leading torsional damping device solutions to mitigate the issues observed.
TV measurement methodology
CWE’s system overcomes problems typically encountered with conventional TV measuring equipment.
CWE's high accuracy equipment can capture vibration amplitude data from up to 14 rotating components simultaneously.
Input signals are triggered off existing gears or by integrating CWE designed toothed wheels into mechanical systems.
Our system allows the measurement of torsional, radial (eccentric), axial (swashing) and ‘twist’ vibrations.
CWE analyse TV’s in both time and frequency domains
The system has successfully been used on a wide range of mechanical applications.
TV analysis capabilities
CWE use our own developed in-house TV analysis software systems.
CWE’s analysis software is able to isolate & analyse genuine TV's & to distinguish them from signal acquisition irregularities.
This is commonly missed in other analyst’s proprietary packages.
Our analysis software provides graphical & numerical outputs, including: ±TV amplitudes, relative component twist, Fourier series analysis, determination of natural frequencies, vibration waveform analysis and derivation of the dynamic torques.
CWE TV analysis conclusions
Establishment of how the vibrational behaviour is affecting a particular system.
The level of improvement we can achieve and how to achieve this - often with a CWE designed damping device.
Structural weaknesses in the system are analysed and suggested improvements to mitigate against these weaknesses are provided.
Our TV analysis software has been used to analyse vibrations across a range of systems from F1 racing engines to electric drivetrains to industrial machinery applications & can be adapted for any potential rotary mechanical application