CWE's dynamics software uses ‘solid’ stiffness (and damping) measured input data with the aim of component/supporting structure re-design to optimise a particular system. The output produced has typically been dynamic valve or gear behaviour but has also been for example, gearbox barrel change dynamic motion (which led directly to fundamentally improved faster more reliable gear-changing) for leading F1 teams.
CWE's dynamics software was developed during a range of racing engine studies & can simulate the vibrational behaviour of the entire valve train, drivetrain and crankshaft systems, outputting the dynamic displacements, forces and torques at gears/sprockets/pulleys and individual cam lobes and valves etc. These forces can combine to cause destructive loads and unacceptable valve train dynamics, reduction in valve-to-piston clearances and timing variations leading to power losses and speed limitations. A full understanding of these forces is an essential pre-requisite before considering design changes to reduce these forces without power loss and to realise the potential benefits of higher engine speeds.
The software is also applicable to a wide range of applications & has successfully been used for projects across multiple sectors.
Rig Work
CWE have completed a substantial amount of racing engine test-rig work on single cylinder test rigs and complete engines, including the measurement of torsional vibration effects, high speed photography of valve springs and other valve train components and valve accelerometer studies. These tests have been crucial in enabling us to validate and substantiate our theoretical calculations and models. The results of this work have been used to improve the performance and reliability of competition engines in all of the major racing formulae and rallying. Rig work is carried out on site at CWE’s premises where we have the following equipment and capabilities.
Motoring test rig: A high speed motoring rig mounted on a purpose designed and built vibration isolated test bed and driven by a 53 hp DC motor with bespoke control software providing manual or automatic running, data monitoring and data logging.
Camshaft & valve train test rig (2 types): This rig was designed for measurement of and fundamental dynamic study of the individual components of a single valve train, or of a complete cylinder head assembly.
Airflow & tumble rig: This purpose-built rig incorporates sophisticated methods of measuring air flow and tumble rates simultaneously for any cylinder head configuration. Its results enable us to optimise the design of ports, valves and combustion chambers. We are able to analyse airflow with CFD if needed.
Variable valve event systems: CWE have developed a variable lift, duration and timing (VVLDT) system on a 4-valve 564cm3 motorcycle engine as a demonstrator coupled to our electric motor rig acting in this instance as a dynamometer.